This project is modeled after a book called The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller. After reading the book students will create their own state and make it come to life. Students will research a state of their choice. They will collect basic facts about their state including what region it is a part of. Then they will evaluate their facts to decide which should be shared. They will use an app called ChatterPix (iOS) to share their work.
ChatterPix is a simple app that lets you take a picture of a person (or any object) and make it talk! The possibilities for the classroom are endless and let me tell you, students LOVE it! We're starting our biography genre right now, so I thought it would be the perfect chance to integrate this app into our unit. NOTE: For adults, check out our “ChatterPix” app for more fun and sharing via email and social media. PLAY CATEGORY: Creative TOOLS: 22 stickers, 10 frames and 11 photo filters. About Duck Duck Moose — We’re a small team of design-minded parents, illustrators, and engineers focused on creating the best content for kids of all ages.
Students will:
Vocabulary Words:
State: A state is a defined area in the United States that has its own government. There are currently 50 states.
Region: A region is an area of land with common features.
Evaluate: To evaluate is to assess a set of data or information.
Fact: A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
Landforms: Landforms are a natural feature of the earth’s surface.
To prepare for this lesson:
Have a copy of the book The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller.
Read the book before sharing it with students.
Print copies of the graphic organizer or have another way for students to take notes about their state.
Check to see if your school has a subscription to PebbleGo Next. (Michigan eLibrary will give you free access through for those that live in Michigan.) You may be able to request a free trial to use during the project. Identify the username and password if available.
Make sure you can access Britannica Elementary through
Have a print book available on all 50 states for students to use for their research. Have these divided in sets by regions.
Make sure you have the Chatterpix app (iOS) on the device that will be used to record.
Become familiar with the ChatterPix app and how it is used.
Have a list of the 50 states available so students can easily spell them correctly when searching.
Decide if students will draw their own map or use a printable version. If using a printable option have those prepared.
See Accommodations Page and Charts on the site in the Teacher Resources.
Directions for this activity:
This project will need to take place over several lessons.
Lesson One:
Goal: Have students choose their state.
Lessons Two and Three:
Goal: Have students begin their research. Write down where their information was collected from.
Lesson Four:
Goal: Create a map of their state including major cities and landforms.
Lesson Five:
Goal: Read aloud the story and have students evaluate their facts.
Lesson Six:
Goal: Use ChatterPix to record and share their facts.
Two ways to share:
Different options for assessing the students:
MITECS: Michigan adopted the 'ISTE Standards for Students' called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Knowledge Constructor
3a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
6b. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
ChatterPix is a free app that works on iPad and iPhone.
Britannica Elementary
Printable state maps
Review of The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller
Students will make connections from a fiction story included in the lesson to their own research.
Students will draw a detailed map of their state including major cities and landforms. This will be used as they create their final project.
Students will describe ways in which the United States can be divided into different regions. Students will use print and digital resources to find and collect information about a state.
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This task card was created by Kelly Hincks, Detroit Country Day Lower School, June 2020.