1. The February 2013 update to Counter-Strike 1.6 is part of a large transition of HLDS games to SteamCMD. Because this transition is not yet complete, AMX Mod X may not yet work on specific games. Because this transition is not yet complete, AMX Mod X may not yet work on specific games.
  2. CS 1.6 AMX Mod X Commands. Kicks a player from the server. Bans a player from the server. Adds a ban to the server ban list. Unbans a player from the server. Slaps a player for variable damage. Kick all players not wearing one of the tags. Pauses or unpauses the game.
  3. Jun 26, 2009 amxvotedelay 10 Sets the minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions. Amxvotetime 10 Sets how long a voting sessions lasts for. Amxvoteanswers 1 Displays who votes for which options, publically. Amxvotebanratio 0.40 Ratio for a ban vote to be successful. Amxvotekickratio 0.40 Ratio for a kick vote to be successful.

1: amx_addmetk - lets you punish yourself

A Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS1.6) Tutorial in the Server Administration category, submitted by Relicanth How to install AMX Plugins on CS Counter-Strike 1.6 Tutorials Signup Login Mods.

2: amx_ban <minutes> <authid or ip> [reason]

3: amx_banid <minutes> <name or #userid> [reason]

4: amx_banip <minutes> <name or #userid> [reason]

5: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu

6: amx_bury <authid, nick, @team or #userid>

7: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote

8: amx_cfg <fliename>

9: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu

10: amx_chat <

11: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu

12: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu

13: amx_csay < color > < message > -- prints admins name

14: amx_csayy < color > < message > -- anonymous

15: amx_cvar <cvar> [value]

16: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu

17: amx_fsay <x position 0-99> <y postion 0-99> < color > < message > -- prints admins name

18: amx_fsayy <x position 0-99> <y postion 0-99> < color > < message > -- anonymous

19: amx_gag <authid, nick or #userid> <a|b> [time]

Amx Cs 1.6 Commands

20: amx_gravity <

21: amx_help - displays this help

6th Amxs

22: amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]

23: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu

24: amx_leave <tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]

25: amx_llama - <authid, nick, @team or #userid>


26: amx_makeadmin <player> <flags> : Give admin power to player till disconnect/change.

27: amx_makeadmin_help Get list of access flags

28: amx_map <mapname>

29: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu

30: amx_mute <authid, nick or

31: amx_myhudcolor amx_myhudcolor : Takes a custom color you make hud messages with and makes it your default.

32: amx_newname - <authid, nick, or #userid>

33: amx_nobuy <authid, nick, @team or #userid>

34: amx_nopass - clears server password

35: amx_password <password> - sets server password

36: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game

37: amx_pausecfg - list commands for pause/unpause managment

38: amx_pausecfgmenu - pause/unpause plugins with menu

39: amx_psay < player > < message >

40: amx_rebuy <authid, nick, @team or

41: amx_restmenu - displays weapons restriction menu

42: amx_restrict - displays help for weapons restriction

43: amx_return_access <player> : Returns admin/player to access they had when entering game

44: amx_say < message >

45: amx_scrollsay < color > < message > -- prints admins name

46: amx_scrollsayy < color > < message > -- anonymous

47: amx_setspeak <authid, nick or #userid> <SpeakFlags>

48: amx_setview <authid, nick or #userid> <ViewType>

49: amx_slap <name or #userid> [power]

50: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/

51: amx_slay <name or #userid>

52: amx_slay2 <authid, nick, @team or #userid> [1-lightning|2-blood|3-explode]

53: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu

54: amx_spray <authid, nick, @team or #userid>

55: amx_srchat <message> - sends message to admins

56: amx_statscfg - displays help for stats configuration

57: amx_statscfgmenu - displays stats configuration menu

58: amx_teammenu - displays team menu

59: amx_teleportmenu - displays teleport menu

60: amx_tsay < color > < message > -- prints ad

61: amx_tsayy < color > < message > -- anonymous

62: amx_uberslap <authid, nick or #userid>

63: amx_unban <authid or ip>

64: amx_unbury <authid, nick, @team or #userid>

65: amx_ungag <authid, nick or #userid>

66: amx_unllama - <authid, nick, @team or #userid>

67: amx_unmute <authid, nick or #userid>

68: amx_vote <question> <answer#1> <answer#2>

69: amx_voteban <name or #userid>

70: amx_votekick <name or

71: amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]

72: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu

73: amx_who - displays who is on server

74: amxmodmenu - displays menus

75: csay

76: csayy

77: fsay

78: fsayy

79: psay

80: say /atacmenu - [ATAC]: Configuration Menu

81: say /atacstatus - shows your TK/TA Violation Count


82: say /hp - displays info. about your killer

83: say /livestatus - toggles ATAC Live Status (lower,right corner)

84: say /rank - displays your server stats

85: say /stats - displays others stats

86: say /statsme - displays your stats

87: say /top15 - displays top 15 players

88: say /whotkedme - shows who has tked you

89: say nextmap - displays nextmap

90: say thetime - displays cur

91: say timeleft - displays timeleft

92: scrollsay

93: scrollsayy

94: tsay

95: tsayy


AMX Super: All in one pack

This plugin features almost all the commands and stuff an admin want for fun amd managment of a server. To install this plugin just follow the basic steps defined in installing an AMX MODX plugin post. But regardless to that I am telling the step once more. You need AMXX 1.8 to run AMX Super plugin.
Step 1: Place amx_super.amxx in your server's addons/amxmodx/plugins folder
Step 2: Place Amx_Super.txt in your server's addons/amxmodx/data/lang folder
Step 3: Open plugins.ini found in addons/amxmodx/configs
Step 4: Add the following line at the bottom of the file:


Step 5: Save and close plugins.ini
Step 6: Restart your server or change the map

Plugins Included:

ADMIN HEAL v0.9.3 -- Gives health to players.
ADMIN ARMOR v1.0 -- Gives armor to players.
ADMIN REVIVE II v0.1 -- Revives dead players.
ADMIN NOCLIP v1.0 -- Gives players noclip.
ADMIN GODMODE v1.0 -- Give players godmode.
ADMIN TELEPORT v0.9.3 --Teleport to certain spot x y z
ADMIN STACK v0.9.3 -- Stacks all players on someone's head.
ADMIN ALLTALK v1.0 -- Sets alltalk.
ADMIN GRAVITY v0.2 -- Sets gravity.
ADMIN MONEY v1.0 -- Gives (or takes) money from players.
ADMIN WEAPON II Build 6.5 -- Gives players weapons.
ADMIN AMMO v1.0 -- Give/Take Unlimited Ammo
ADMIN SPEED vv1.0 --Give Turbo speed
ADMIN GLOW vv1.1 -- Makes a player glow
ADMIN BURY v0.9.3 -- Buries players in the ground.
ADMIN DISARM v1.1 -- Strips players of their weapons.
ADMIN UBER SLAP v0.9.3 -- Slaps players through the air until they have 1 health (and probably die from a fall).
ADMIN SLAY 2 v0.9.3 -- Like slay, only with special effects!
ADMIN ROCKET v1.3 -- Turns players into rockets!
ADMIN FIRE v1.0.0 -- Sets players on fire!
ADMIN QUIT v1.0 -- Forces players to close their game.
ADMIN GAG v1.8.3 -- Gags players from speaking or using the voicecomm.
ADMIN FLASH v1.0 -- Flashbangs players.
ADMIN DRUG v1.0 --Pretty obvious, gives them drugs
ADMIN BAD AIM 1.3 --Gives players extremely bad aim for checking for hacks, and has the ability to perma ban them
ADMIN TEAM LOCK v1.3 -- Allows teams to be locked
ADMIN TRANSFER v1.0 -- Transfer players to diff teams, swap teams, and swap players
ADMIN EXEC 2 v0.3 -- Executes commands on players.

ADMIN STATUS -- Shows detailed player information in a MOTD window.
ADMIN SERVER PASSWORD v1.0 -- Sets a server password.
ADMIN SERVER SHUTDOWN/RECONNECT v1.0 -- Shuts off the server and makes players reconnect for quick fixes.
ADMIN CHECK v1.15 -- Type /admin to see what admins are in the server
ADMIN MAP EXTEND v1.1 by JSauce -- amx_extend the current map
ADMIN LISTEN v2.3 by Psychoguard, rewritten by Maxim and ported by Oj@eKiLLzZz deb/urandom
ADMIN VOCOM v1.3 -- Voice related
CHANGE TO SPEC AND BACK v1.0 -- Go to spec and come back without dyeing
DAMAGE DONE v0.4 -- Shows how much damage you did to enemies by your crosshair.
DEAD CHAT v2.1 -- Talk to the other team via voicecomm while dead.
LOADING SOUNDS v1.0 -- Plays music as players connect.
SPECTATOR BUG FIX v1.0 -- Fixes the bug when ducking and being killed.
'SHOWNDEAD' SCOREBOARD FIX v0.9.4 -- Fixes connecting players from showing up on a team.
FIX ECHO SOUNDS v1.0 -- Fixes echo sounds on some maps.
AFK BOMB TRANSFER v1.4 -- Transfers the Bomb to another player if AFK
C4 TIMER v1.1

Commands and Usage:

Client Commands:

say /alltalk - Shows the current alltalk setting
say /gravity - Shows the current gravity
say /fixsound - Fixes echo sounds
say /admin(s) - Shows how many admins in the server and the names of the admins
say /spec - brings you to spec with no kill
say /unspec - brings you back into the game when the round begins[/color]

Admin Commands:

amx_glow <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts 1 round')
amx_glow2 <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts forever')
amx_glowcolors (Shows all the colors you can use. 30 of em!)
amx_givemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount>
amx_takemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount>
amx_godmode <nick, #userid or @team> [012] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND
amx_noclip <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [012] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND
amx_weapon <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <weapon #>
amx_revive <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_speed <nick> [01]
amx_slay2 <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [1-Lightning2-Blood3-Explode]
amx_rocket <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_fire <nick, #userid or authid>
amx_uberslap <nick, #userid or authid>
amx_heal <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give>
amx_armor <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <armor to give>
amx_stack <nick, #userid or authid> [012]


amx_team (same as amx_transfer just easier to use with / command)
Bind +adminvoice (admin voice comm)
amx_sptime <1 through 10 to set Spawn Protection time>
amx_spmessage <1 = Turn Spawn Protection Message on , 0 = Turn Spawn Protection message off>
amx_spshellthickness <1 through 100 to set Glow Shellthickness>
amx_spglow <1 = turn on glow, 0 =turn off glow>
amx_drug <nick> (Drugs the player for a minute or so)
amx_badaim <player> <On/off or length of time: 10time> <Save?: 10>: Turn on/off bad aim on a player.
amx_flash <nick, #userid, authid or @team> - Flashes players
amx_lock <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Locks selected team
amx_unlock <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Unlocks selected team
amx_transfer <name> <CT/T/Spec> Transfers that player to the specified team
amx_swap <name 1> <name 2> Swaps two players with eachother
amx_teamswap - Swaps two teams with eachother
amx_unammo <nick, #userid or @team> [01] - 0=OFF 1=ON
amx_quit <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_gag <nick, #userid or authid> <abc> <time> - Flags: a = Normal Chat b = Team Chat c = Voicecomm
amx_ungag <nick, #userid or authid>
amx_bury <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_unbury <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
amx_disarm <nick, #userid, authid or @team>



amx_extend <added time to extend> : ex. 5, if you want to extend it five more minutes.
amx_shutdown - Shuts down the server -With most servers its a restart command, since they auto restart
amx_exec <nick or @team> <command>
amx_pass <server password>
amx_nopass - Removes the server password
amx_status - Shows a detailed list of info on players
amx_alltalk [1 = ON 0 = OFF]
amx_gravity <gravity #>

Amx Cs 1.6


All Cvars and Descriptions are in the .cfg file located in the .zip - I have made Description also ->Descriptions of Cvars

AMX Super Extensions:
High Ping Kicker
Admin Slash

To Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=166806

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